Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How can antioxidants help in male infertility?

Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to get pregnant spontaneously having unprotected sex on a regular basis. It currently affects 8-12% of couples worldwide, and 1 in 20 men of childbearing age suffers infertility. It is, therefore, an increasingly frequent problem that affects many people emotionally, says sexologist in Delhi.

Of all cases of infertility, approximately 50% is due to man. The causes of male infertility are diverse:
  • Diseases or disorders, such as varicocele, one of the biggest causes of male infertility. The scrotum veins dilate, increasing the temperature and preventing the correct production of sperm.
  • Mobility problems or sperm structure. The oxidative stress of sperm is the most important cause damage sperm. Between 30% and 80% of male infertility could be caused by oxidative stress, says the best sexologist in Delhi.
The oxidation is essential for life, it is essential for the proper functioning of cells and participate in the processes of cellular energy. However, when there is an excess of oxidation, oxidative stress appears. Oxidative stress has toxic effects and can damage cell components, including DNA, warns sexologist in Noida.

Oxidative stress can affect any cell, including sperm, affecting its DNA. The causes of oxidative stress are multiple, and range from genetic causes to environmental causes. Genetic causes cannot be avoided, but everything possible can be done to avoid environmental ones, such as exposure to contaminated air or high temperatures. The snuff, high alcohol intake, diets rich in saturated fats and proteins or sedentary life, should also be avoided for healthy sperm, suggests the best sexologist in Noida.

Semen has antioxidant molecules whose function is to prevent oxidative stress. When they are insufficient or there is too much oxidative stress, taking oral antioxidants can slow down oxidative stress and improve sperm quality, says sex doctor in Noida.

Some antioxidants can be ingested through the diet (fruits and vegetables), but when the diet is insufficient, they can be obtained from food supplements. Recent studies show that the use of oral supplements with antioxidants such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), coenzyme Q10, zinc and selenium show an improvement at 3 months in men with infertility of unknown origin. There are also not-so-known ingredients with a high antioxidant effect, such as astaxanthin, which comes from microalgae. Sexologist doctor in Noida says that it increases plasma motility and concentration and is one of the few that demonstrates a significant increase in the pregnancy rate.

Therefore, food supplements with antioxidants, always prescribed by a sex specialist in Noida, can be a solution. 

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Male Infertility Causes & Treatment Options

The conception is a matter of two, therefore, as important as the mother's health is that of the father, as well as his possible infertility problems.
Causes of infertility of man 
Most couples get pregnant throughout the first year of trying. However, there is 15% that is incapable. Before, women were always blamed, but recent studies have shown that in 30-35% of cases the problem lies only with men, the same percentage that we find for exclusive disorders of women, while the rest is due to anomalies in both, says sexologist in Delhi.
A man's fertility may be diminished or altered for the following reasons:
1) Sperm problems: It is one of the main infertility problems. You can talk about two types of anomalies. On the one hand, low sperm count, that is, if it is normal that every time a man ejaculates to release 20 million per millimetre of semen, a person with this problem will have much less, thus decreasing the chances of one getting to fertilize the ovule. The other related problem is the lack of mobility of sperm, when they are very "vague" and slow, so they do not reach the ovule, explains the best sexologist in Delhi.
2) Genetic abnormalities: These types of disorders can be found in their chromosomes or only in sperm. In both cases, these alterations can cause infertility, spontaneous abortions, genetic abnormalities in the foetus, premature foetal death ..., explains gynecologist in Delhi.
3) Ejaculation disorders: Many couples think that they have to reserve for fertile days and refrain from maintaining relationships outside that period. However, it has been shown that prolonged withdrawal periods decrease the number of sperms, while in frequent ejaculations, this number increases explains sexologist in Gurgaon.
Premature ejaculation can also make fertilization difficult by preventing proper semen deposition.
Another problem is retrograde ejaculation, which is that semen goes back to the bladder instead of passing into the female organism. This alteration may be due to poorly controlled diabetes, the consumption of certain medications, a prostate adenoma, says the best sexologist in Gurgaon.
Likewise, there are men suffering from anejaculation (absence of ejaculation), caused by spinal injuries or previous surgeries in the area.
4) Hormonal disorders: An alteration in the hormones produced by the endocrine system can also cause infertility, for example, excessive prolactin production, hyperthyroidism, testosterone deficiency, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, etc, explains sexologist doctor in Delhi.
5) Infections in the genital tract: It is a rare cause that disappears as soon as the infection is treated with antibiotics. A prostatitis, an epididymitis or other infections cause temporary infertility, says the best sexologist doctor in Delhi.
6) Cryptorchidism: It occurs when one or both testicles have not descended into the scrotum during childhood, and are hidden at the abdominal level. Normally, this problem is treated before adolescence, although it can leave as a sequel a smaller number of sperms, says sexologist in Gurgaon.
7) Varicocele: They are varicose veins in the veins of the testis, and cause 30% of fertility problems by increasing the temperature of the scrotum and thus decreasing the quantity and quality of semen, explains sexologist in Delhi.
8) Unhealthy lifestyle habits: There are many external factors that decrease fertility: poor eating habits, obesity, a diet low in antioxidants, excessive alcohol consumption, tobacco, stress, environmental pollution, etc explains the best sexologist in Delhi..
9) Idiopathic infertility (of unknown origin): In many men with problems no specific cause is found after doing all the relevant tests.

Treatments for male fertility
To determine the specific cause (or causes) that cause infertility, it is necessary to perform a series of tests: a physical examination for abnormalities in the reproductive system; blood, urine and hormonal tests; a seminogram or semen analysis (one of the most important tests, since with it the quality and quantity of sperm are checked); a postcoital test, etc.
The treatment, of course, depends on the cause:
- In cases of sperm problems (either due to low quantity or quality), it is best to resort to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or Intracithoplasmic Injection (ICSI).
Genetic abnormalities require Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, a technique that consists in genetically selecting a healthy embryo, free of this type of anomalies, and subsequently implanting it in the uterus. The DGP has to be approved by the Assisted Reproduction Commission, who approves it according to the disease in question (only in severe cases).
- Most ejaculation disorders require help from sexologist doctor in Delhi, except those whose cause is physical, in which case the disease that causes them should be treated. 
Hormonal disorders need hormonal therapy until their level returns to normal.
- Some medications stimulate sperm production, such as oral androgens, gonadotrophins ...
Surgery may be necessary to treat certain problems such as varicocele.
- A healthy diet and a healthy life are essential in any case: no alcohol or tobacco, rest and sleep well, a varied diet rich in antioxidants and folates ...

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Living with Erectile Dysfunction

Cases of erectile dysfunction due to psychological causes are usually cured with sexual therapy by the best sexologist in Delhi, with more or less sessions depending on the complexity of the case.

When erectile dysfunction is caused by a drug or a hormonal imbalance, there are many possibilities to normalize the situation if the trigger of the erection problem is reversed.

On the other hand, when the problem is vascular or neurological, most cases require lifelong treatment. This type of erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi is effective and safe, and the most important thing is to design a suit tailored to the needs of each patient.

Healthy life style
·        No Smoking
·        Consume alcohol in moderation
·        Perform physical exercise on a regular basis
·        Maintain a healthy and balanced diet
·        Control cardiovascular and endocrine risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, triglycerides, overweight / obesity)
·        Do not consume drugs
·        Do not consume drugs acquired through illegal channels

The communication between the patient, the family and the sexologist in Noida, key to manage the dysfunction

The man with erectile dysfunction usually feels guilty, alone, dissatisfied and unhappy. He is afraid of losing his partner and it is difficult for him to build personal relationships. This uncertainty in search of why dysfunction and wanting to find a meaning can be avoided if from the beginning a personal interaction is established between the best sexologist in Noida, the patient and the family. This helps you gain knowledge and control the problem.

Those people who are aware and adopt an active role to deal with the dysfunction and who consider that it depends in large part on them, have a better response. The commitment allows to apply healthy habits of life and encourages the active care of the problem, says sexologist doctor in Noida.

For their part, sex doctor in Noida, in view of the sensitivity of this type of patients, combine their academic and clinical preparation with more humanitarian and ethical aspects. In addition, the cultural, social, moral and economic aspects of each person are taken into account for the application of care.

This type of patients, like the rest, need to express their feelings and emotions, so they value communication, affection, privacy and confidentiality. In this sense, an empathic attitude helps the patient to feel worthy and accept himself. This environment encourages the patient to be able to dialogue, differentiate, self-criticize, analyze the difficulties ... In short, adopt a collaborative attitude with the sex specialist in Noida.

In this way, the patient's involvement in the whole process is sought and he is involved in the decision about the impotence treatment in Delhi and compliance with the therapeutic regimen. You are offered realistic expectations which favors managing negative emotions. 

Advising, guiding, providing support throughout the therapeutic process is the responsibility of the best sexologist doctor in Noida. With all this, the patient is able to develop autonomy, self-care, cooperation, responsibility and participation in the whole process.