Thursday, August 30, 2018

6 Tips To Regain Your Lost Libido

For many women, when they go through menopause, one of the biggest issues that you hear about are the daily hot flashes and night sweats. This is very distressing for many women, maybe even you. There is also another challenge that many women face during the ‘change’ that is often not talked about, and that is the loss of their libido. It seems to have taken a hike. Do you feel this way? If so, you are not alone and many women and their partners suffer from loss of intimate connection as a result of their lack of sex drive. It can also be a source of great tension in a relationship, particularly when their partner’s libido is ready for action.
We hear lots about male sex drive. They either want a lot of sex, or they need drug to enhance their potency and to start things up. And it’s no secret that as men get a bit older, they may need to use some sort of supplement to help things along. But what about women, where is their secret drug?
Women’s libido is more than about a pill, so finding your lost libido will take some effort. It is a challenge to find once it is lost, but there is hope. You just need to know what tools you will need to find it again. Just because you are going through menopause does not mean that you have to accept that losing your libido is part of the deal. It does not have to be. All humans have a deep desire to connect throughout their entire lives.
There are some things that will reduce the female sex drive, and fortunately, none of them are untreatable! Not surprisingly, hormone imbalance is the most common cause of lower sex drive. Lack of estrogen can cause vaginal dryness. Needless to say, this can be torture for women during intercourse. That reason can turn you off from wanting to have sex. Progesterone and testosterone can lessen your desire to have sex and to reach an orgasm. Furthermore, many women are just plain burned out in the form of adrenal fatigue. This occurs after years of chronic stress and trying to be a super woman. This results in low cortisol that leads to chronic fatigue and low libido.
Okay, you might be thinking, great tips, but is there a pill I can take? This sounds like a lot of work. For women, rediscovering their sex drive isn’t as easy as taking a small pill a few hours before intercourse. But it’s not impossible to regain your sex drive and enjoy sex with all the exuberance that you did before. Here are some tips that might help:
6 Tips To Regain Your Lost Libido Suggested By Top Sexologist in Delhi

Don’t automatically assume that hormone replacement therapy is going to be your best bet if you are perimenopausal or menopausal. See your sexologist doctor in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Gurgaon to discuss options and rule out possible problems. Look for the root cause instead of just covering up your symptoms. Get your hormones tested and evaluated to make sure you don’t have any under lying health conditions that may be contributing to your low sex drive that has taken a hike.
Work On Emotions
Your emotional health and your state of mind have a direct impact on your desire for sex and your libido. Women’s emotions drive everything that they do. If there is something bothering you, to just block it out is not the right way; it can easily get in the way of your libido. Recognize this aspect of your libido and work on addressing your emotional baggage. Working with a sex doctor in Delhi or using emotion-releasing activities such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping may be helpful. Energy work can also help clear emotional blocks such as Reiki, Healing Touch, and Meditation. Even journaling can help you unlock repressed emotions.
Stress is a major player in wreaking havoc with sex drive. Explore the many ways available to reduce stress in your life. Exercise, meditate, pray, write in a journal, take time each day for YOU, get a massage once a week, take a walk in the park, see the best sexologist in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Faridabad, and take a yoga class to help balance your energy. You get the idea? Find ways to relax, even if it’s for ten minutes a day.
See A Nutritionist
Make sure your diet is correct for your needs. Also, ask about vitamin, mineral, and/or herbal supplements that may help.
Be Sexy
So, you might not be 20 any longer, you can still be sexy and hot. Go out with some girl friends to shop for a new outfit or lingerie that makes you feel sexy. Freshen your hairstyle, put on a sexy fragrance, and light some candles. It’s amazing, small changes like these can make wonders. Have a date night!
Communication is very, very important. Your partner can’t read your mind. Your partner probably has no idea what’s going on. Be open and honest. Let your partner know what you need to help things along. Maybe you need some time and understanding until the hormones or supplements kick in. Maybe you need to see a sexologist in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Faridabad. Do your best to communicate openly.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

What’s Causing Low Sex Drive in Women?

Low sex drive can be puzzling. Sex is supposed be pleasurable, so why would anyone lose interest?
The answer might be simple, like a medication you’re taking. But it might also be complex, like stress in your relationship. Here are some of the more common libido-busters faced by men and women explained by best sexologist in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Gurgaon.

Low Testosterone
While it’s often associated more with men, testosterone is an important hormone for both men and women. Low sex drive is a common symptom of low testosterone.
Some women benefit from testosterone therapy, too, although the hormone has not been medically approved for this use. Also, it is not safe for all women, such as those with uterine or breast cancer, heart or liver disease, or high cholesterol.
When estrogen levels decline at menopause, many women find themselves less interested in sex.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenthood
Hormonal changes during and after pregnancy can affect a woman’s libido. And adjusting to life with a baby can make couples less interested in sex as well, especially when new parents are stressed and fatigued.
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD)
Sometimes, women lose interest in sex for a reason that can’t be explained. When this situation causes distress, sexologist doctor in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Gurgaon diagnose it as hypoactive sexual desire disorder or HSDD.
Common medications - like antidepressants, birth control pills, and blood pressure drugs - can have sexual side effects, including diminished libido. If you’ve noticed a change in sex drive after starting a new medication, see your best sex doctor in Delhi. But don’t stop taking a certain drug without checking with your doctor first.
Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Relationship Issues
When we’re stressed, anxious, or depressed about something – such as work difficulties, parenting responsibilities, or taking care of an elderly relative – we might put so much focus on what’s happening that we lose interest in sex. The same can happen when life gets busy and we’re fatigued. Sometimes, we’re too tired to even think about it.
In addition, trouble in your relationship – such as infidelity or another breach of trust, anger, resentment, or even boredom – can make you feel less inclined to be intimate with that person. If you and your partner find yourselves in this situation, communication is key. Find a quiet time to discuss what’s happening and what you might do to resolve it. It can be worthwhile to see a sexologist in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Gurgaon.
If you think the issue might be specific to your sexual relationship, you might give sex treatment in Delhi a try.